Incorporated 2012. The Saskatoon & District Soccer Referees Association Inc. Important notices:
It's that time of the year again, time for Indoor Refresher Clinics. Please remember that each referee needs to attend one clinic in order to officiate in the indoor season. Here are the dates and times for the refresher clinics:
In the memory of our late former president, Mark Wilson, the SDSRAI is again offering a $1000 bursary for referees enrolled in post-secondary education.
Monthly meetings are held at the Remai Centre, 510 Cynthia Street, starting at 7.30 pm except as noted (Located behind the Travelodge):
All SASI indoor games now adopt the Swipe Card system. Players with no Swipe Card do NOT play. Cards that do not swipe correctly must be recorded on the sheet which can be obtained from the Admission Office. Please note Swipe Cards will NOT be adopted for the outdoor season. All referees should now have received their Saskatchewan / CSA badge from SSA. Please ensure that badges are worn at all times when officiating. All referees must enforce the NO jewellery law. All visible jewellery MUST be removed ( no taping is allowed), along with wrist bands, bandana's, hair clips, necklaces etc. The only exceptions are smooth wedding bands, and Medic Alert bracelets with the bracelet part taped. Non compliance means that player does NOT play. Please note this applies to Referees as well.
Availability forms can be found on the "Forms" page. Forms are to be sent to the Assignor by the 10th of the month prior. It is extremely important you mark down any conflicts you may have. The Assignor, can be reached by Fax 975-3429, by Tel 975-3427, or by e-mail at: eden.rakochy@sasktel.net
Misconduct and Match Report Forms for both Senior and Youth games can be found on the "Forms" page.
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